Darkness & Light | Teen Ink

Darkness & Light

March 23, 2014
By CountryGal1057 SILVER, Simcoe, Other
CountryGal1057 SILVER, Simcoe, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Show must go… All over the place or something.'Cory Monteith' 1998-2013

Blackness Surrounds Me,
Confusing sounds drown me,
I open my eyes to nothing,
just an ocean of darkness.
I want to see the Light!
I feel so much fright,
Don't want to be stuck,
between Darkness & Light.
Endless Days of Black,
not a single moment off.
I'm trying not to panic,
but inside I'm frantic,
searching for clues,
searching for answers,
trying to escape this,
Darkness and Light.
Please Help Me!
Please Help Me!
I cannot see!
I hear you talk,
I hear you breath.
Morning Sun,
Evening Stars,
Oh! How I'm dieing,
to see how beautiful you are,
but all my memories are lost,
between darkness and light.
Why can't I see you,
I know you are there,
Why did this happen to me?
why is it so unfair?
I asked for none of this,
but now that just seems oblivious,
I will try and carry on,
with my sight now gone.

The author's comments:
Inspired by Heartland season 7 episode 10.

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