Amazing Life | Teen Ink

Amazing Life

May 28, 2014
By KeyToImagination BRONZE, Okeana, Ohio
KeyToImagination BRONZE, Okeana, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about how many breaths you take, it's about how many moments take your breath away."

And I swear-

in that moment-

we were alive.

The first breath of cold air and

the crack of soft light that

seeped through our pink eyelids,

sparked the amazement

that would not dim for years.

And in that moment-

we were raw.

Shaped by any word

that we took as the full truth,

we were not yet with inhibitions.

We loved ourselves and those around full-heartedly.

We welcomed all aspects of life with wide hearts.

And in that moment-

we thought we were wise.

Flying through life, nothing could harm us.

Our opinions grew and our lust for life diminished.

Sex, money, and drugs took precedence

over education, which, often, was thrown away.

After all, we know all that there is to know.

And in the moment-

we were grown.

The uniqueness of the mundane crushed down on us;

running us so far into the ground that we were completely buried.

Yet, we were happy because we were loved

by another soul being crushed next to us

by the same, amazing, mundane life.

And in the moment-

our bodies were weak,

yet our minds were as strong as ever.

Together we healed our broken skeletons

as we watched the fire burn up the evening clouds

and reminisced on days long dead.

And once again, that amazement burned within.

And I swear-

in that moment-

we were infinite.

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