Music | Teen Ink


June 1, 2014
By EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If your delicate eyes don&#039;t blink someday, they might as well be gone&quot;<br /> - Currents Convulsive, Pierce The Veil

A religion cut into my skin binds my hands together
Each story is a string and I weave them together
into something beautiful
And it caresses me when I sleep
and dream of things that cut her
A savior
sweeping down on glittering wings
to build my home
Gonna lie down here in this grass
Gonna lie down here in this glass
But they lift me
just before I can let it break the skin
Just lie down
Close my eyes and let me sink
Feel my body being lifted on shafts of sun
When no one else was there to comfort me
she wrapped herself around me
I slept in her silky bed
She filled my head with beauty and piano keys
I drank her nectar
and collapsed into her arms
Punctured lungs and broken gasps
fixed by the hands of sweet shining melodies

The author's comments:
This is about my love for music. Music is religion!!

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