Rest In Peace 5/9/12 | Teen Ink

Rest In Peace 5/9/12

June 1, 2014
By EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
EmPeek SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If your delicate eyes don&#039;t blink someday, they might as well be gone&quot;<br /> - Currents Convulsive, Pierce The Veil

This is the dreaded day that I've been waiting for. Two moths of crying on this dirty carpet floor. We were gonna go get ice cream. You called me last November and said "let's go have some fun" It's been two months wasted thinking of the day we were gonna run. Rest in peace, five nine twelve. Bury your bones in my mattress. There would've been more to come, but now you're just a day in the year I'll forever dread.I was sitting on the couch in the middle of the night when the phone rang. I heard your voice, and you were alright. You said, "remember that last may when it was raining and dark and you were moving away and I ran out the door without saying goodbye? We'll make the next time so much better" You called me every night for weeks. I stayed up and dreamed of that day. But two months shy, it hid away. Rest in peace, five nine twelve. The second time, I have missed. There should've been more to come. On that day, we've never kissed. Four months later, you called me again. "Baby girl, I really think this should end. I'm so unsure. I don't want to pretend. I'm so sorry. I know you're sad, but maybe in a few months, we can be together again" It's been two months, the day has passed, and I haven't heard your voice for weeks and weeks. Your stare is broken and purposefully averted. No syllables are directed at me. We almost made it. Rest in peace the day we came together.

The author's comments:
5/9/12 is May 9th, 2012, the day that me and my (ex) boyfriend started dating. This poem is about how we almost made it to our two year anniversary, but he dumped me two months before. I know it might sound silly because we were (and still are) so young, but we were best friends and had a real connection. My feelings were and still are real and strong. No one's too young for love.

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