Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

June 9, 2014
By Anna Mary Gaskill BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
Anna Mary Gaskill BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from water, from clorox wipes and clean kitchens
I am from the red house at the top of the hill
I am from roses, thorns and all
I am from rainbow trout and sunny beaches, from Melissa and Peter
I am from the warmth and need a hug?
from the naughty and nice list and lets go for a ski
I am from baptisms and crosses
I am from maple Syrup and cheddar cheese from dels lemonade and pasta and sauce
From dark night crab hunts, walking with the boy of a thousand flashlights
miles of undiscovered beach ahead.
I am from all that has once surrounded me.

The author's comments:
HI I'm a senior and soon to graduate and this poem was a great way to reflect on my past, as I look forward to my future.

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