Freedom from a free society | Teen Ink

Freedom from a free society

July 12, 2014
By Ellieann BRONZE, San Clemente, California
Ellieann BRONZE, San Clemente, California
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dancing with feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another

She called it creativity
They called it rebellion
She thought of its as captivity
They thought of her as a felon

So she bottled it all up
And hid it away
She wondered why the world was so corrupt
It was all she could do to keep it at bay

But oh, how she longed to express it
All of her joys and trials laid out on canvas
Still they urged her to compress it
Even after years of darkness

There was no sympathy, no love
She longed for better days
Wanted the freedom she was void of
She tried to behave, find new ways

Then one day she realized
She could always run
Away from the civilized
And she would no longer have shunned

So she made a life for herself
Apart from society
And now she lives in a wealth
Of freedom and simplicity

The author's comments:
Before i moved to Hawaii, I lived a very structured life, strict mom, always on a schedule. But when i moved to my dad's, i was free, i could be myself without being punished.

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