Future Life | Teen Ink

Future Life

October 6, 2014
By CallawayS SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
CallawayS SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If life does not also hand you sugar and water, your lemonade is going to suck. (Anonymous)

“Do what you want.”
The pressure builds as I begin to understand.
The fork in the road splinters into a billion choices.
“Just choose it is only going to affect your future.” Echos, echos in my head.
One hell of a ride still thunders before me, but I am still young, the choice is still mine,
but I don’t want to choose,
I’ll just let it,

The author's comments:

This piece was a free verse that just skimmed the basis of life. The title is broad, but I just talked more about my future of life, and how rather than worring about what might be the end, consitrate more on the now, the present.

The structure of this piece also is a big part. Try and guess my reasons WHY?

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