Fly High | Teen Ink

Fly High

October 21, 2014
By TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a book by its cover, you have no idea how the story begins nor ends."

Heavens calling your name but it's not your time

Who do I blame for taking away what was mine

Do I blame the vulters that come out at night

Or the angels that constantly put up a fight

Deciding who's wrong or who's right

Who should stay who should go

Someone please just let me know

Why the best die young

Tell me, is this really what you want

Do you want to take away

What kept me here everyday

What once made me feel so alive 

Is gone now and I feel dead inside

And I don't know what to do

Give up or pretend I'm still with you

I'm so confused

I need you

I need you here to tell me everything's okay

Because I can barely make it through each day

Knowing you're gone

I need you here to stay strong

But that's just a dream in a world that wont come true

So keep looking down

Because one day, I'll be looking straight at you

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I had a best friend pass away, and I was devasted and didn't know what to do. So I wrote this. I hope people can read this and relate because losing a best friend is hard but you musat move on and stay strong.

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