stars | Teen Ink


December 1, 2014
By michaelellenw BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
michaelellenw BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

in the city, there won’t be much to miss
about this place
(too much music
  too many thoughts
  too little time)
      not too many glances back

but the stars

I will miss the stars.

I am already longing for them on those
that still linger in the stillness of my closet,
a thread of smoke that has woven itself
through the clothes that will wear out
before the stars can think to flicker

I am already missing their constant illumination
(always shining, even when the sun won’t let us see them)
of the enigmatic unknown
we like to pretend is our own

but I know they will stay
they will stay for me
  for you
  for us all
and when I miss them,
I’ll look to the street lamps as some kind of unworthy replacement
and get over myself
but not them
I won’t let them get old
(those beings whose light died out before a word was spoken but still meets  our eyes for hints of what has been)
or become normal
as I find new wonder to fill my eyes
that will mingle with the starlight.

The author's comments:

one of the downfalls of my wishful future

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