Empathy, Your Unwanted Friend | Teen Ink

Empathy, Your Unwanted Friend

December 2, 2014
By FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tact is the art of making a point without an enemy." [Sir Isaac Newton]

You can say just what you might, 

Into me confide,

I am an empathetic genius,

spill out your insides.


I have listened soundly to you,

Waited for your say.

But even I have soundly watched you

Hold yourself at bay.


But I encourage you to keep

Away from glass-box feelings. 

Let them crawl away from you, 

You'll find they are but feelings.


It's not a question of your gender,

Age won't help you much.

Your empathy depends upon

The bravery you quell.

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