My Final Goodbyes | Teen Ink

My Final Goodbyes

December 28, 2014
By TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
TasteMyPoisonedMind BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a book by its cover, you have no idea how the story begins nor ends."

Flashing red and white lights in my eyes
I guess this is it
These are my final goodbyes
Mother and father I want you to know
This may not be what you want
But it's time for me to go
You did everything you could and tried your best
But unfortunately every living thing must go to rest
We can't all make perfect and we can't all survive
So sorry to tell you this but it's my time to die
Don't feel like it's your fault because it's not
Every living thing will sooner or later rot
I know my time came sooner than later it seems
But please, just remember me
Remember this is not a dream
It'll be hard I know
But this is just another lesson to show
We need to learn to let go of what we love
And let it fly high above
So it can watch over us and make sure we're okay
Mother and father I will be with you one day
So until than please stay safe
And always remember I am in a better place

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