A Women | Teen Ink

A Women

January 22, 2015
By TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
TheBlackPoet567 GOLD, IN, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a struggle requiring optimism and confidence

The body of a women should be kept secret, under the clothes that hug her skin.
She can cater to her man but, then get the love she inspired and well enough desired.
              Keeping your queen on the low will do nothing but show that you’re not a man but a little boy, a teenager who doesn’t know how to control his emotions.
Playing hide and seek with your own feelings inside while destroying hers.
The words of a women should be taken seriously and not just in one ear and out the other.
                      Her lips do pout but also speak kindness and nobility to those who need such faith and stability.
The skin of a women should be soft and pure, kissed by the sun’s warm rays.
Why not cater to your women as she does onto you.
Loving her like a princess and treating her like the women that she is. For every king needs a queen.
She will be the mother of your children and be by your side when you’re against the wall and help you when you fall. The mind of a women should be known, for wisdom has grown.
A women should be loved and cherished, even her flaws.
              Nor are women perfect but, we still try. The responsibility to reproduce another life, feeding the young and nourishing the sick.
A women should be showed off not as a trophy but as a lady who is loved by her man, not shy to show his boys that he cares; for he is the lion and she is the lamb.

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