rhwehgabds | Teen Ink


March 17, 2015
By ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Down the hall from me sixteen
Held my hand and guided me to conquer my fears.
Staying up into the wee
hours of the night,
Whispering words of deep thought, holding them
Punches or giggles our bodies produced,
If you weren't my sister I
would want to be introduced.
Through the friends I was sometimes left
You stood by my side without wither or doubt.

Soon I'll be down the
hall from you in college,
I can't wait to acquire all of your knowledge.
To be
closer to you than ever,
Our relationship can never be severed.
This is one of
the greatest privileges of all,
To always have my sister down the hall.

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