Not Your Fault | Teen Ink

Not Your Fault

June 2, 2015
By NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

I understand you wanna party

And do it up with your girls.

It's only right you and your friends

Dance out the problems of the world.

I understand that you're gonna drink

And you might have a few.

But you're in the prime of your life

And that's what young people do.

I know you got a little tipsy

Because you took too many sips of the brew.

Then you were left all alone

By the people in your "crew".

I'm cognizant to the fact

You flirted with some dude you just met.

You just thought he was keeping you company

And didn't reall perceive him as a threat.

I'm aware he took advantage of you

Because when you wanted to go,

He forced himself on you

Even when you said "No".

I know you went to report your attack

And it seemed like the cops were glaring.

They didn't wanna hear the details

They were just concerned with what you were wearing.

They asked if you had been drinking

And if you led him on,

Then when you tried to break it down

They just dozed off and yawned.

I know they said they'd be in touch

But never said when.

The whole ordeal made you feel

Victimized again.

But I also know this

That man is guilty by default.

No matter what anyone says

This is really not your fault.

It doesn't matter what you were wearing

Or if you had a few drinks.

He took advantage of your bewildered state

Regardless of what anybody thinks.

It's a shame this happens to so many women

Regardless of size, race, or shape.

We've got to have a society that stands tall

Against the heinous act of rape.

There's no justifying your attack

It was blantant sexual assault.

Don't the world get to you

Because it's clearly not your fault.

The author's comments:

It's time to put an end to rape culture

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