Imagination Refugee | Teen Ink

Imagination Refugee

October 19, 2015
By fandomtrashXD BRONZE, Moberly, Missouri
fandomtrashXD BRONZE, Moberly, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone." -Cassandra Clare

That girl in the back of the class with her nose stuck in a book; do you really know what is going on in her head? She dreams of magical fantasies with princesses, princes, and dragons. But in reality, life is a battlefield. Everywhere she steps, it seems that landmines explode all around her. Insults rain down like bombs, and every day is the same; a battleground where all of her imagination was shot down by enemy fire. Her friends try to convince her that the insults aren’t true, but she never listens. Her mind is too clouded with images of perfect celebrities and wonders why she isn't perfect. She takes refuge in her imagination, an imagination that is all her own. But when she shares her imagination, the torment comes back. So she goes back into her little corner and reads. She reads because she thinks that the world inside the books is a better place than the world she lives in. The stories take her to faraway places and she longs to be there because the real world does not understand her. No one understands. At school, she smiles, but on the inside, she is destroyed. The insults hit her like atomic bombs and she is in ruins. But what caused this to happen? Why, none other than our society, a society that is so focused on being perfect that we don't recognize our own faults. We pressure people to look like princesses. But we will never be. It is impossible to make us look like Barbie dolls, so why do people try? So that girl at the back of the class with her nose stuck in a book; before you judge her and call her names, take a look at our society and see why the standards are set high, for we all are just puppets, and the dreams of being perfect are the puppet masters. We are not Barbie dolls. We are not Disney princesses. We will never be like that. So why do we still strive for this? Now, before you insult that girl in the back of the class with her nose stuck in a book, think to yourself "nobody's perfect". No one is. Everyone has flaws. You just have to open your eyes after being blinded by society to see them. 

The author's comments:

My honors Communication Arts class was doing an argument on body image and it just sorta hit me. I came up with this poem and it turned out great. I hope whoever is reading this will realize what is going on in someone's head in times of despair.

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