One More Time | Teen Ink

One More Time

November 5, 2015
By alliyah adams BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
alliyah adams BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It takes over, swells up inside. Slowly happiness over fills the body, and for once in life it's gone. The pain... It's gone. This is a new feeling. Happiness is what it's called. Hours later it's constant sadness again. Letting it swell up the body again saying "one more time, just one more time i promise." Soon it's not enough, the pain is still there. Confused and shocked, you say "one more time." Till one day it really is, one. More. Time

The author's comments:

If it is not understood, ths is about drugs. how it takes the pain away until it doesnt. So someone keeps doing it one more time.. thill its their last time.

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