Tears I Cry | Teen Ink

Tears I Cry

January 22, 2016
By Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete: drawn only to be washed away. For the time i have been given, I am what I am." -Five Finger Death Punch

Broken away from the puzzle that holds me together. I try my best to fight these tears I cry. With my heart full of pain and a brain full of memories it's hard to forget the sting that causes me to suffer. The thought of moving on without you is one of the most painful fears I can possibly face. After all of the emotions your loss has put me through it's becoming harder and harder for me to fight these tears I cry. You can ask me questions but I'll probably lie because as much as I love you this will never seem real. Maybe it's a dream. Maybe we're all just sleeping. Maybe one day we'll wake back up and be together again. Maybe then, these tears I cry wouldn't hurt so much. No matter what you'll always be in my heart... Never forgotten. My love for you will always remind me of your grace. The smile that was always on your face. We'll be together forever because I know you'll never completely leave me. Just because I can no longer see you or hug you doesn't mean that I'll ever stop loving you. So I'll say this just once. This is goodbye... For now.

The author's comments:

One of my best friends, more like my sister, has reciently died in a car accident that we were both involved in and the pain from her loss has caused me much greif. 

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