No More Tears | Teen Ink

No More Tears

January 22, 2016
By Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete: drawn only to be washed away. For the time i have been given, I am what I am." -Five Finger Death Punch

Walking around full of fear that when you appear someone will place a half square on your forehead. Willing to keep yourself locked in your room to attempt staying away from it. Only to have it fallow you in the back temple of your hopeful mind. Pushing the unstopable flow of waterworks down your face, wishing to yourself that the torment would end. You start feeling like nobody could stop this but yourself. The feeling of rage builds up inside of you. For what you are willing to do is wrong in every way, but yet you don't care you just want it to stop. You want it to go away so you don't have to be hurt by it anymore. You walk like normal at first so you don't let anyone notice that you have a fire blazing paraphernalia in your jacket pocket. Here they come walking closer to you. With no clue of how it would play out. You tense up, with a grin fully across the faces of those surrounding you. With one look you pull it out and aim it at yourself then pull the trigger. Tears falling down your face you smile and say with one last breathe, "I will cry no more tears."

The author's comments:

A friend of mine killed himself during the summer in front of his little sister and in terms of my grief I wrote this to make peice with the fact that he's in a better place. He was a good person and didn't deserve to be bullied. Nobody should be treated like that and nobody deserves to feel that way!

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