Romanticism Kills | Teen Ink

Romanticism Kills

June 22, 2016
By cameronalexis BRONZE, Wenatchee, Washington
cameronalexis BRONZE, Wenatchee, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness." - Edgar Allen Poe

Romantics romanticize romanticism
The image of a dreamer with paintbrush in hand
softening the qualities of man
is distorted
Falsifiers layer imperfect canvases
with pounds of putrid acrylic
Aesthetes admire from afar
in woolen coats
and weap
An eleusinian masterpiece!
The epitome of elan!
But when pushed closer
against their reluctance and shouts
their eyes widen in disgust
A protruding proboscis,
overdrawn lips,
dumbo-esque ears,
missing fingers,
a cheshire cat smire,
harsh, tattooed eyebrows,
and teeth so white they burn the eyes of the beholders
An image run through a photo processor made by readers of In-Touch and People
It’s a corpse done up by a weeping mortician, a momentary nepenthe
soon to be locked away
and never touched again.

The author's comments:

A combination of beat-esque flow and inspiration from both an English lesson on Romanticism vs Realism and the movie Madame Bovary (which can be summed up perfectly in the two words of the title of this very poem). With this piece, I explored a realist's opinion of a romantic. Often we study how these two types of people view the world as a whole, but never consider how they see one another. 

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