The Purple Flowers | Teen Ink

The Purple Flowers

October 20, 2016
By 21Fermonc BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
21Fermonc BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Purple Flowers

There was a girl
A girl with short braids
Who picked small purple flowers
So small but so significant
The purple flowers she gave to a man
The man with the cigarette stained fingers
The fingers that took the purple flowers
The purples flowers that showed him
Showed him change was possible
The change that led him to forgive himself
The forgiveness that helped him get a new job
The new job that got him to quit smoking
The smoking that stained his fingers
The fingers that held the purple flowers
The purple flowers the girl gave him
The girl who picked small purple flowers
The girl with the short braids
There was a man who was inspired
There was inspiration on purple flowers
The purple flowers a stranger gave him
The stranger he never saw again
But he did see purple flowers
And handed them to a woman
A frail and heartsick woman
A woman he didn’t know
There was a young woman
A young woman who was sick
Sick and waiting for a cure
For hope.
She found hope in small purple flowers
Purple flowers a man gave her
She gave the purple flowers to her daughter
The daughter that gave her happiness
The daughter who knew significance of the purple flowers
Her daughter, the girl with the short braids

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