Anger | Teen Ink


December 13, 2016
By Jbsmooth BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
Jbsmooth BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Boom as the door slams because of the man
I put my heavy duty boots on and hit the road
All because of his moody attitude i just had to go
On to something new just to get away from the bulls***

My boots hit the hit the floor making a loud thudding noise
My arms swing low my knuckles are bloody i just wish i could avoid
Him because everytime I see him i just want to swing
As hard as i could without holding back hoping his jaw cracks
Look at me my heart is filled with anger.
Over the years i was never so quick to up anchor.

Buts the Anger i'm forced to hold inside
Keeps filling up and i have to find a way to let it all go 
Like when has it been right for a forty year old man to choke out a young kid
But it's alright because now i'm bigger and i am gonna make him regret what he did
No i need to stop violence is wrong
And you can't fight fire with fire
But i swear i'm gonna lose it if he tries to cause harm

But why does it matter the blood i shed isn't his
It's only my mom he cares for so
I keep telling myself in exactly two months
As i will have to sit in live in oppression
I will finally fly free though not in luxury
I will rise like the rose that grew in the concrete when no one else cared.

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