Shadow | Teen Ink


December 14, 2016
By Amickey BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Amickey BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hour of nostalgia, hour of happiness, hour of solitude.
My hours now filled with meaningless papers and topped with
My favorite assignments… looking up the history of influential, dead people.
Sacco and Vanzetti…easy. Wikipedia here I come. 
Interesting moustaches, nice suits, sorta young guys
Their eyes… locked on me.
  -Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian-born US anarchists who were convicted of murdering a guard and a paymaster during…
Stop staring at me Sacco…
I’ll be off your page in like two seconds.
-the armed robbery of the Slater and Morrill Shoe Company on April 15, 1920, in South Braintree, Massachusetts…
Is someone in here with me?
I locked my door this time, so that little brat, Annie, doesn’t come in and look through my stuff.
What’s that?
Just my shadow.
Imagine… someone afraid of their shadow…
-United States, and were executed by the electric chair seven years later…
Y’all are still staring at me…
Ok shadow you seem a little bigger than normal.
Almost like you’ve morphed with the shadow of another.
Is my sister hiding in here? If so, her shadow is giving away her hiding spot.
“Annie if you’re in here, get out! I have a big assignment to do.”
It’s too quiet in here; she’s not in here.
Am I just that fat?
My shadow, typically a flat object on the ground..
Is now standing proudly on my wall…
It’s HUGE!
Why is my heart beating so fast?
Ok I need to finish this.
Sacco… Vanzetti, I’m not doing anything wrong…
Just looking up your history.
Shadow you appear much closer than before…
I have barely moved… why are inching closer and closer to me?
I’m not moving!
But you’re moving!
What the hell?
I’m just tired… I’ll finish this assignment real quick.
What the hell?
No more eyes staring at me…
They’re gone!
Sacco and Vanzetti are gone!
The picture is empty…
The chairs are still there.

My shadow consumes the room.
My hands gripping the edge of the chair
My shadow’s hand creeping along the wall towards me.
My eyes frantically dart around the room…
There is darkness everywhere.
Even my bright computer screen is engulfed by my-
I don’t even know if this can even be called my shadow anymore.
It was someone else’s.

My computer screen goes black…
I can’t move.
My muscles feeling as though they have been glued in place.
I watch the shadow growing…
Moving more violently across the walls and floor like trees whipping in a thunderstorm.

The shadow splits in two.

The silhouette of two men are now painted on my wall.
They just stand there.
I realize now I had been holding my breath as a wave of lightheadedness hits me out of nowhere.
My head slumps forward a little, but my eyes stay fixed on the figures.

My computer screen comes back on.
The light causes me to jump, breaking the restraints on my muscles.
I still don’t relax fully.
Sacco and Vanzetti are still not in the picture.
I stared harder at the shadows.
They move.
Gliding along my floor, not phased by the heaps of dirty clothes and magazines.
They sit at my feet, and merge back in to one shadow.
One normal sized shadow.
It’s familiar…
It’s mine.
I lift up my arm
My shadow follows.
Thank God.
I turn back to the screen.
Sacco and Vanzetti are back sitting in their chairs…
Watching me with hard eyes.
I feel as though I know enough about them…
I skim down the rest of the page…
I see my shadow at my feet…
But still feel it’s presence around the room,
Like it’s watching me too.

That’s enough homework for tonight.

The author's comments:

I have a fear of pictures of dead people, so you can imagine how much I enjoy history assignments. Every time I have to write papers about past historical figures, I always get the creepy feeling they are watching me. This poem allows me to show people the thoughts that run through my head, and also add some extra elements of horror. 

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