Why Hide? | Teen Ink

Why Hide?

December 16, 2016
By AMorningS BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
AMorningS BRONZE, East Hampton, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else."

Hidden within
Hidden within myself
Hidden myself

I have a mask
A costume
That only comes off
With my friends
Close friends

Only they know
Of who I am
Of what I am
Of myself

I am a monster
A freak
I don’t exist
I was imagined

I’m not the only one
I know others
I hide
For I don’t want...
I want to be seen

I still hide
But sometimes...
I feel as if...
As if I don’t know myself

Who am I?
What am I?
Who are you?
What is anything?

The world
It doesn’t revolve around you

It’s all apart of
The big master plan
Stay in line
That’s how to survive

To stay alive
You must follow
Too sporadic
You’ll die


It’s not a thing
You can just diagnose
It’s not something
Easy to find

You might never
Figure it out
My experience

I hide
Earth follows
But still strays
Will you come out of hiding?
Become a shooting star?

Just push through
You can do it
I did it
Earth did it

The author's comments:

This piece was meant to be about my life, and how even through all that I've been through, and how others who read this can become able to accept themself.

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