My Angel | Teen Ink

My Angel

March 29, 2017
By Laurel4 BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
Laurel4 BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.<br /> ~Helen Keller~

I remember meeting you the first time
I remember wanting to take you on a walk but it was you,
It was you who walked me.
I remember sitting with you in our home
You weighed so little
I remember getting home
You ate four bowls of lams kibble
I remember you snuggling close every night
Nearly knocking me out of my bed
I remember your little white patch
Randomly placed on your back
Every else was golden
I remember your stubbornness to retrieve and fetch
I remember you thinking you were a lap dog
Trying to fit in my 10 year old lap
I remember you playing with our other dogs,
Spirit and Pebbles,
Even when you got older
I remember the puppy taking your blanket
So you held up her toy and dangled it in front of her
Until she left the blanket to jump at her toy
I remember you hugging me
I remember how you always smiled
I remember how you thought we could do no wrong
I remember bathing you
But instead I got a bath
I remember running with you and when you got tired
You would just lie down, then and there
I remember loving you, and I always will.

The author's comments:

I was writing free-verse about my dog that I loved so much. I chose this technique because it is less structured just like loving someone or a pet. I didn’t really use figurative language because I don’t think it needed it. I chose this poem to be kind of simple, uplifting, and nothing heavy.

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