The Black Dress | Teen Ink

The Black Dress

November 26, 2017
By juliakeegan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
juliakeegan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dress pulled me in

I couldn't breathe

It wrapped around me with no room to escape 


I wanted out


There was nowhere to go

Everyone was staring 

Waiting for my next move

I could feel their eyes making the dress even tighter


I lost my bestfriend


Wherever I went he was there

We danced in the sun and danced in the rain


I can't move on


I could see his golden eyes telling me to stay strong

The way he smiled made me never want to stop smiling 


I started to run


Breaking free of the dress

I could feel my breath getting heavier

My heart was pounding out of my chest like drums

The tears stream down my face and crush my heart


He is gone 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this peom in honor of my aunt who's husband past away. My uncle was a very important person in my life and his death had a big effect on my aunt. I hope people might be able to relate to this poem and feel the pain that surrounds death. 

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