Sleeping Beauty | Teen Ink

Sleeping Beauty

December 8, 2017
By Keira.magus SILVER, Humboldt , Saskatchewan
Keira.magus SILVER, Humboldt , Saskatchewan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Solicitous hearts confine her
Her drowsy eyes remain faintly shut
Her fragile hand is being squeezed so tight
I fear it may shatter to a million pieces
As if letting go could drain her spirit from her body
Her eyes open for a hopeful flash, as if to say goodbye
The twinkle burns out as her eyes close for the last time
She rests, finally, in her baby blue gown
Delicate lines on her face reveal a map of where she’s been
A kiss cannot bring her back to life
Nobody dares whisper a word as the steady beeps plays a tune
Then her body’s wheeled away
As her soul make its way to its next job
Whatever that job may be

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