Why do You Love? | Teen Ink

Why do You Love?

April 14, 2018
By Vickles SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
Vickles SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls&quot; ~ Pablo Picasso<br /> &quot;Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self&quot; ~ Alfred North Whitehead

Does love feel like a To-Do list?

To love is

To look for the best in someone

To see how they think 

To understand what they go through 

To accept their flaws

To love yourself


Do you love? Like a smudged note

How can you? It's not easy But

It's not hard Painful But

Pleasing Hasty But remembered 


How do you

live? Can you 


it in?

Exhale it 

out? See it and

accept it.


The comfort

of it's rythem


Is love a two-way door?

Do you question it? 

Do return love? 

Is it returned? 

Do you understand? 

What is love?


to love, most importantly, is not expecting love in return.

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