Runnin' Away. | Teen Ink

Runnin' Away.

May 12, 2010
By infinitychaos BRONZE, Andrews, North Carolina
infinitychaos BRONZE, Andrews, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've built a wall, not to keep anyone out, but to see who loves me enough to climb over it.

I'm calin' home.

I'm runnin' away.

I'm seeking hope, I'm seeking faith.

I'll run till i can't run no more, and cry till i can't see no more.

I'm running away.

I'm seeking help, I'm seeking kindness.

I'm saying goodbye to everyone and everything and just running away.

I can't say why, or when I'll be back because I don't know.

I'm just runnin' away.

I'm callin' home.

I'm runnin' away.

I'm chasin' fate.

I'm runnin' home to you....

The author's comments:
Well, I'm not exactly sure how these song lyrics popped into my mind.
I've never heard a song with lyrics like that, but I seem to have a lot of inspiration around me, so that's probably it.

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