Cinderella | Teen Ink


May 19, 2010
By Anonymous

Crimson sky Beginning
Just another
Love life that you missed
Two Thousand nine
Spiked up hair
Blood shot eyes

You look just like
You wanted to
Some kind of model off tv
Red Dress siren song
Grand Rapids
What’d you do for me
I still cant feel you

Met Cinderella in a dream last night
But she was screaming from a nightmare
I saw the prince rubbing up his eyes
He’s begging for a new prayer
A bleeding second and he turned away
Another life he has to save

Blood came rusing in
Your breathing
But your souls on fire
Hopeing maybe he’s the one
Weeks turned into hours
6 moths’ gone that we devoured
God gave us grace
But you still fear
He wont come home
Your love is rusting

Kingdoms in the sky
Fade through
The boundry lines
The golden gates are closing

Met Cinderella in a dream last night
But she was screaming from a nightmare
I saw the prince rubbing up his eyes
He’s begging for a new prayer
A bleeding second and he turned away
Another life he has to save

Out where the good souls die
Out where the summers cold
This is where children cry
And where the winter’s slow
Out where The quire wont sing
And the flowers wont bloom
I hear the phone don’t ring
I hear the phone don’t ring
I hear a princess die

Now Cinderella
Don’t shut your eyes
There’s a prince
That wants to save your life
Ohh Cinderella just drop the gun
Pain is coming
But please hold on
In the silence
Of a young mans eyes
I hear the gun shot fly

Im sorry son
But your to late
She took her
Own life away

The author's comments:
about a girlfriend

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 12 2010 at 8:41 pm
EternityBroken GOLD, Hooker, Oklahoma
17 articles 2 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to love and be wise.

i love it!! it's almost like it speaks to me :) keep up the good work