Goodbye | Teen Ink


June 2, 2010
By .AKA. DIAMOND, Cumming, Georgia
.AKA. DIAMOND, Cumming, Georgia
62 articles 7 photos 31 comments

You took my hands and tied them behind my back
If you really love me, you would not have left me like that
Then you took my hands and dragged me down the hall
I swear you said, “I don’t love you at all!”
I was left in the dark
My life falling apart

(Whoa) Why did you cut me open and watch me bleed out?
(Whoa) Why did you just leave?
You didn’t even hear me shout
(Whoa) Why did you take my heart and throw it away?
(Whoa) Why did you shut my mouth?
You didn’t even hear me say
Goodbye, goodbye
I’ll say it one more time
This is goodbye

You came back and you were holding a knife
I begged and begged for you to spare my life
But you said no and plunged the knife into to me
There’s a light and now I can’t even see
My walls are falling down
And I can’t even hear the sound

(Whoa) Why did you cut me open and watch me bleed out?
(Whoa) Why did you just leave?
You didn’t even hear me shout
(Whoa) Why did you take my heart and throw it away?
(Whoa) Why did you shut my mouth?
You didn’t even hear me say
Goodbye, goodbye
I’ll say it one more time
This is goodbye

I see a white light
Maybe I’ll be alright
I’ll go to a place
Where I don’t have to see your face
I see a white light
I will be alright
I’ll be free
I’ll be...

(Whoa) Why did you cut me open and watch me bleed out?
(Whoa) Why did you just leave?
You didn’t even hear me shout
(Whoa) Why did you take my heart and throw it away?
(Whoa) Why did you shut my mouth?
You didn’t even hear me say
Goodbye, goodbye
I’ll say it one last time
This is goodbye

The author's comments:
I really don't know the story behind this song all i know is i started singing Missery Business by Paramore and it turned out like this. The beat is not the same but it is sung like it. What do you think? Is it too gorey for you because i have no idea how i could write a song like this.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 7 2010 at 3:34 pm
Kaileigh918 BRONZE, Orange Park, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;There&#039;s no shortcuts to anywhere worth going&quot;<br /> -me

this is also like really good