You'll Never Know This | Teen Ink

You'll Never Know This

July 14, 2010
By cheaptalks BRONZE, Alice, Texas
cheaptalks BRONZE, Alice, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why do i feel this way,
even though we are apart?
Sometimes the words are hard to say,
but they linger in my heart.
It wasn't finished for me,
when you said your goodbyes.
I still needed you,
the pain fled through my eyes.
I know you've moved on,
but i can't seem to find the strength.
I'm not ready to give up,
that's why it's so hard to face.
Maybe if i cut my wrists
and lay silent through the day,
you'll leak from my mind,
like the blood from my veins.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece a good while back. I think i was probably 12 or 13 and i felt like i was losing a good friend, which also happened to be my crush at the time. It's a silly inspiration for a poem, but i think the end product is pretty okay.

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