To Waltz in the Woods | Teen Ink

To Waltz in the Woods

October 8, 2010
By mollythemuggle BRONZE, NY, New York
mollythemuggle BRONZE, NY, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To waltz in the woods
was what they planned to do
to lye beneath the tree's shade
it was easy to move
there was nothing to prove
they just waltz in the woods till dawn

His hands went in hers
and they swayed with the trees
their love made a melody
their gazes stopped the breeze
flowers paused to watch them
dew fairies held their wings
her head rests on his shoulder
as he softly sings

To waltz in the woods
was what we planned to do
to whisper words of silence
it is easy to move
there is nothing to prove
let's just waltz in the woods till dawn

when morning came upon them
the two of them embraced
their night waltz had ended
tears rolled down their face

but the trees swayed
and they left shade
beckoned them to resume
the flowers, they paused
and sprayed out sweet perfume

waltz in the woods, they cried
it's what you planned to do
the tree, it still has shade
and you can still move
you've got nothing to prove
just waltz in the woods till tonight

The author's comments:
Written when I could not sleep. Music was later added and I learned it on the guitar.

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