My Sheep | Teen Ink

My Sheep

October 9, 2010
By johnmarc BRONZE, Mexia, Texas
johnmarc BRONZE, Mexia, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As I stood there
Looking at the face of God
He looked down at me
And began to ask

Would you let fire dance above your head
Or trust the winds that part the seas
Would you be thrown into an oven
And all of that just for me

And I said
Yes lord

So he welcomed me
Calling me his sheep

Lifting me up
Within his right hand
And declaring

He is my sheep
And I love him
I am with him
And he is with me

The devil shall not touch him
The devil shall not tempt him
I shall protect him
Because he is mine

He is my sheep
Because he helped me

When I was hungry
He fed me

When I was needing
He was giving

So the devil shall not touch him
No the devil shall no tempt him
I shall protect him
Because he is my sheep

And he would let fire dance above his head
And trust the winds that part the seas
And be thrown into an oven
And all of that just for me

Because he is my sheep

As he set me down
I simply had to ask

Lord when did I feed you
And what did I give you

I don’t know
So lord please tell me

So he said

You helped the blind man see
You helped the lame boy walk
You helped the def girl hear
And you helped the hungry eat

Cause you’ll let fire dance above your head
And trust the winds that part the seas
And you would be thrown into an oven
And all of that just for me

Because you are
My sheep

And so now I walk down the streets of gold
Singing with the angels

And all because

I let the fire dance above my head
And I trusted the winds and part the seas
And I was thrown into that oven
But all of that was for him

Because I am
His sheep

So could you let fire dance above your head
Or trust the winds that part the seas
Could you be thrown into that oven
And all of that just for him

Because you want to be
His sheep

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