Body Pillow | Teen Ink

Body Pillow

November 3, 2010
By Maybe310 BRONZE, Blah, Pennsylvania
Maybe310 BRONZE, Blah, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay my head down upon your chest
Because you want to hear what I say and all the rest
Your steady heartbeat follows my lead
As my buoyed thoughts create speed
On this twilight train to no man's land
But here we are again
Your hand on my heart
My tears and your fears
We're bound to never fall apart
You're there to catch me when I fall
When all I need is not much at all
A punch or kick of air
It's all on your call now oh oh oh
You're my body pillow
Without you i would fall hard against the ground
Shattered into broken pieces all around
But luckily you were there for me to be found
Your hand on my heart
My tears and your fears
We're bound to never fall apart
You're there to catch me when I fall
When all I need is not much at all
A punch or kick of air
It's all on your call now oh oh oh
You're my body pillow

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This article has 1 comment.

DNO414 BRONZE said...
on Dec. 6 2010 at 12:06 pm
DNO414 BRONZE, Maringouin, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
I love how the poem is written. The way the style of the poem is written. The author took time and explained to the reader how her other half makes her feel. The repeitition of "Your hand on my heart/My tears and your fears" (lines 5 and 6) shows the tone in the poem. It shows me how she strongly feels about her man. The author could have explained more of what he does to make her say these quotes about him.