A New Refrain | Teen Ink

A New Refrain

November 23, 2010
By suppies97 BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
suppies97 BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Your eyes shine like the water when the sun is glinting in,
And your heart is made of somethin' rather stronger than tin"
I must have been in love when I wrote those 2 lines
Now it's a quarter 'til nine, and the end of my time
"You pulled my heart, you broke my soul,
This love has taken such a toll"
I must have been sad when I wrote those lines,
Though sadness now has left with time
I am no longer sad for I know it's wrong to cling,
Yet I must confess I wouldn't mind if it be you the future brings:
"Our love has ended with so much pain,
Now the flame is gone, but the embers remain"
I think I might keep that refrain

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