Red, White, and Blue | Teen Ink

Red, White, and Blue

December 26, 2010
By Anonymous

You see that name and laugh with glee,
But you wonder why that name comes from me,
What I am about to tell you is very true,
Because girl, you remind me of the red, white, and blue,
You are lady liberty, and your beauty range is infinity,
You’re smile gives me a smirk,
When I hear you laugh, I think of fireworks,
Hear what I’m saying, it’s so very true,
You remind me of the red, white, and blue,
You never give up, you always think good,
Like the typical American would,
You are the icon of what every person in our country should be,
And that’s to enjoy life and be free,
Hear what I’m saying, it’s so very true,
You remind me of the red, white, and blue,
You’re a girl with good manner,
A girl who’s song should be the star spangled banner

The author's comments:
To any girl who's feeling down

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 15 2011 at 7:15 pm
Wow......this is quite impressive....5/5.