long awaited | Teen Ink

long awaited

February 5, 2011
By ericarios BRONZE, Stanton, California
ericarios BRONZE, Stanton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been waiting for so long,
for someone to appreciate me,
to love me,
to cherish me forever.

And even though it may seem I'm too young,
it feels right,
it has to be right,
he is the one.

People may say I'm wrong,
that I haven't seen the world,
but what good is the world,
without the one you love.

We will be strong,
help each other out,
never leave the other out,
and we can make it through the struggles.

Every couple has a song,
well ours is self written,
still in the process of being written,
because we still have many years ahead of us.

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