Story of a Song | Teen Ink

Story of a Song

February 8, 2011
By Anonymous

You never look at me like
You look at her
Your always there with me, but you heart's
always hers.
And you try to cover up, but
I can read your eyes
I know you well enough to look beneath disguise.

But i'll write you a love song,
i'll make it a happy ending,
i'll have you kiss her in the rain.
Sittin' witching' the sunset as
the light fades from your perfect day.
You'll feel like movie and in your mind you'll see all the names,
and in background you will hear you love song start to play.

Everyday that you pass
I get a little stronger,
but when I hear your steps,
I breathe a little slower,
but i see your smile,
and i see the light,
then i understand what i did what right--
for you

But ill write you a love song,
ill make it a happy ending,
ill have you kiss her in the rain.
Sittin witching the sunset as
the lights fads from your perfect day.
You'll feel like movie and in your mind you'll see all the names,
and in background you will hear you love song start to play.

Time went by and i was still watching from the side lines,
but then one day,
you came walkin my way.
And you grabbed my heart when you took my hand.
You told me what i had to understand--you said...

"if i could...
Id write you a love song,
id make it a happy ending,
id have to kiss you in the rain,
We'd be sitting witching the sunset as
the lights fade from our perfect day.
We'll feel like a movie and in our mind, we'll se all the names.
And in the background we will hear our love song start to play.

The author's comments:
This song is about a girl who's best friend is a guy. And she like's him, but he doesn't see it. But in the end he realizes it, and the girl gets her happy movie ending.

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