August Days | Teen Ink

August Days

March 2, 2011
By Fuzzter BRONZE, Rockford, MI, Michigan
Fuzzter BRONZE, Rockford, MI, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
quiters never win and winners never quit.

Amidst the heavy rainfall,
That make up these dreary days.
A beam of sunlight pokes through,
August's mid-afternoon haze.

Above us clouds hover,
Packed full of heavy rain.
Dark gray in color,
When it's still early in the day.

Dense fog descends,
As if it was heavily weighted.
While raking leaves, it bends,
Fall is definitely what you make it!

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this piece was the fact that I love nature. Also, I would like more people to acknowledge that nature is beautiful and powerful, and that it is also amazing!

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