Alone Man | Teen Ink

Alone Man

March 28, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

Alone Man, Alone Man.
Alone Man, Alone Man.

Never leaves his house, only leaves to get the mail,
through over grown bushes, always walks he same trail.
Use to spend every Sunday praying, in the house of the Lord,
as soon as he’s was done, he sped away in his rusty old Ford.

Always alone,
he’s Alone Man.
Doesn’t want to be another drone,
Alone Man. Alone Man.
Alone Man, Alone Man.

Not invited to anything anymore, because he never shows,
as for where is family went, no one really knows.
Talks to himself in the mirror, ever single day,
“F*ck you” is the only thing he ever seems to say.

Always alone,
he’s Alone Man.
Doesn’t want to be another drone,
Alone Man. Alone Man.
Alone Man, Alone Man.

When night finally falls, the lights never go out,
we hear a lot of screaming, all he does it shout.
Yelling at his mirror, an argument going on,
it goes on and on forever, al the way until dawn.

It’s the first time he’s left his house, in about fifty years,
only because inside his body, he ain’t got anymore moving gears.
He now lives in a rectangle box, buried underground,
no tombstone, no worries, now he can’t be found.

He’s Alone Man,
Alone Man.
Alone Man,
The Alone Man.

The author's comments:
First piece, written two years ago.

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