Comfortable Walls | Teen Ink

Comfortable Walls

March 28, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

Sitting in the corner of this cushioned room,
can I please have some real food?
I have to find some way out of this place,
I cant continue to live in confined space.

If you’re not here to let me out,
then you’re wasting your time.
I just want to go out,
and see the sunshine.
I promise that I won’t put up a fight,
the sun’s shining bright,
let me see the light.

These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.
These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.

I don’t understand why you’re keeping me here,
there’s nothing left for you to fear.
I’ve been here forever and I’ve done my time,
I’ve been here forever and I’ve paid for my crime.

If you’re not here to let me out,
then you’re wasting your time.
I just want to go out,
and see the sunshine.
I promise that I won’t put up a fight,
the sun’s shining bright,
let me see the light.

These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.
These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.

I no longer feel pain,
I forget the feeling of rain,
I can’t remember my child’s face,
or the feeling of love and embrace.
I no longer feel pain,
I forget the feeling of rain,
I can’t remember my child’s face,
or the feeling of love and embrace.

These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.
These walls, these comfortable walls,
they keep me company,
they kept me company.

The author's comments:
Second piece written.

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