The End of the World | Teen Ink

The End of the World

March 28, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

It’s the end of the world,
and there’s nothing you can do now.
It’s the end of the world,
turn to the crowd and take a bow.
It’s the end of the world,
why are you acting like it’s a surprise?
It’s the end of the world,
you’re the creator of your own demise.

Sitting on the couch,
watching the news.
The world’s in panic,
why aren’t you?

Thinking about her,
now you regret what you said.
When you only have a few hours,
until we’re all dead.

It’s the end of the world,
and there’s nothing you can do now.
It’s the end of the world,
turn to the crowd and take a bow.
It’s the end of the world,
why are you acting like it’s a surprise?
It’s the end of the world,
you’re the creator of your own demise.

Some people spend time with family,
others go out and steal.
But you sit there alone,
thinking this can’t be real.

You wish you never said those things,
to your family and your friends.
Now you have no one to be with,
right before the end.

People in panic,
the governments corrupt.
Streets filled with panic,
the government can’t cover this up.

It’s the end of the world,
and there’s nothing you can do now.
It’s the end of the world,
turn to the crowd and take a bow.
It’s the end of the world,
why are you acting like it’s a surprise?
It’s the end of the world,
you’re the creator of your own demise.

The author's comments:
Fourth piece about a man calmly watching the world end.

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