LIVE in the LIGHT | Teen Ink


April 9, 2011
By daddysgirl124 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
daddysgirl124 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The Strength of the heart comes from the Soundness of the Faith.

Let go of the sadness,
And let in the light,
Stop crying ‘bout tomorrow,
Everything will be alright.
And let go of your worries
And stop living for yesterday.
But above all be brave.


To stand up on,
Your own two feet again.
There stronger than you know.
And let your light,
Shine on for the world to see,
It don’t matter what they say,
Cuz in the morning will be gone

Let go of the heartache,
And let in the love.
Stop looking at your shoes,
When you were sent from above.

(Key change/Bridge )

And don’t think about the future, when we finally say goodbye.
And start living for the great things that make life worth the try!


So stand up!
On your feet!
There so much stronger than you know.
Stop crying for the past
And start living for tomorrow.
But above all be brave,
To let your light shine on.
Cuz in the morning,
We’ll be gone!!

The author's comments:
My life is often filled with so much depression and sadness and i often forget to look at the bright side of things and be grateful for all the good things happening in my life. Im writing this for every girl who ever feels like she isnt good enough or is afraid the future or regretting their past. Girls are truly beautiful in every way and we all need to learn how to live in the light and hold our heads up high!

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 14 2011 at 3:22 pm
daddysgirl124 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The Strength of the heart comes from the Soundness of the Faith.

Can i get your guys's thoughts?? thanks!