Lover's Guilt | Teen Ink

Lover's Guilt

April 16, 2011
By xXxAxRebelsgunsxXx BRONZE, Novi, Michigan
xXxAxRebelsgunsxXx BRONZE, Novi, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Unch Unch Unch Unch GAARA OF THE FUNK! (Naruto Abridged)

There is no need in the world to save you
No need to pull you up
You can stay right where you are
Because that's where you belong

Looking at what happened before
I feel that you have a right to know that

I tried to stay in love with you after the first time
That one time
Would be the only time
But then you had to go
And ruin it all over again

There's no way I'll let you back in
No way I'll take your forgiveness
You hurt me too much
For anything to save you now

Looking at what happened before
I feel that you have a right to know that

I tried to stay in love with you after the first time
That one time
Would be the only time
But then you had to go
And ruin it all over again

Your begging won't work on me anymore
I've learned how you can be
So nothing more will bring us back together
You're out of my life for good

I tried to stay in love with you after the first time
That one time
Would be the only time
But the you had to go
And ruin it all over again

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