Trapped! | Teen Ink


April 17, 2011
By averagehomeboy BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
averagehomeboy BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is defeated when he quits.&quot; <br /> Richard Nixon

Trapped on a lifeboat without a cure
But what it was for I'm just not sure
Walking home eating a ball of mozzarella
I should have remembered to bring an umbrella

Beautiful women with devilish ways
Pretending that they need no praise
They'll let you in and then shut you out
Without a single care or doubt

Trapped in a prison without a key
Yet I was filled with a strange glee
Walking home soaked by the rain
I realized that things had changed

I could be a scientist
Or I could be a politician
Or I could be a missionary
Going on a holy mission
Anything but a musician

Trapped in the prison of my own mind
I'm pretty sure I've heard that line
From a million other singer-songwriters
All trying to sound so sure

We lean on women and write them songs
Until a new one comes along
The old girl is burned and thrown away
She has no meaning in this new day

I could be a businessman
Or I could be a professor
Or I could be a famous author
Making millions off my made-up memoirs

Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician

Trapped by the rules of society
Or just by my own anxiety
This new-found sense of propriety
Has made me seek out privacy

Trapped on a lifeboat without a cure
But what it was for I'm just not sure
The world's not responsible for this mess
I create my own happiness

Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician
Anything but a musician

The author's comments:
This is about how hard it seems to be a musician and how literally any other profession seems easier sometimes. It is also about some hypocrisy within music itself.

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