Thunder by Nature | Teen Ink

Thunder by Nature

April 27, 2011
By Nyyankeez5000 SILVER, Rocky Point, New York
Nyyankeez5000 SILVER, Rocky Point, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Like a soldier on the frontlines<br /> i battle with each of my lines<br /> its a battle i fight to win<br /> but a war i&#039;ve lost within<br /> ~Myself

As I stare out this window and wonder
why is it so scary to hear the thunder
The deep poetic roar of this weather
sound of rain tapping on the roof, light as a feather
with our souls now coming to an ease
thunder is the heart beat and every breath a breeze
come to the realization that life's not a blunder
just sit back and listen to the thunder

The author's comments:
Storms aren't scary, its natures way of being beautiful, to those who can find its rhythm.

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