It's Cancer | Teen Ink

It's Cancer

April 29, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

Tongue, lungs, brain, and heart,
you don’t know where it will start.
Smoke, cigars, and cigarettes,
they are all major threats.

The answer,
it’s cancer,
an anti-enhancer,
a super advancer,
with one goal,
take your soul.
The answer,
it’s cancer,
an anti-enhancer,
a super advancer,
with one goal,
take your soul.

Slithering through the blood in your veins,
creeping through your body causing pains.
Most people will start to ache,
others begin to break.

One thing that we can assure,
is that there’s no definite cure.
It will only give you a fighting chance,
be prepared for your final stance.

You went to the doctors a week ago yesterday,
and the results finally came in today.
Everyone asks you why you’re crying,
and you tell them its because you’re dying,
of this vicious disease,
it will kill you with ease.

The answer,
it’s cancer,
an anti-enhancer,
a super advancer,
with one goal,
take your soul.
The answer,
it’s cancer,
an anti-enhancer,
a super advancer,
with one goal,
take your soul.

This vicious disease,
It will kill you with ease.

The author's comments:
Written while my Grandpa was dying with Cancer.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 11 2011 at 6:23 pm
Tough_Heart SILVER, Abc, South Dakota
7 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Being saved gives you fire insurance. Burn or turn :)&quot; -my pastor<br /> I don&#039;t mind living in a man&#039;s world as long as I can be a woman in it. Marylin Monroe<br /> All men are equal before fish. Herbert Hoover

My aunt has concer from cigarettes. I cried when I read this