Pollution | Teen Ink


May 20, 2011
By Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
Paige2011 BRONZE, Dysart, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fight for what you've got, even if its only worth a dime."

Summer nights seem to be the worst,
The sparkling sky of stars trying to out shine the moon
Yeah, I remember looking at them with you.

This is taking too much out of me
Can’t think straight, head is pounding
I keep trying to get you off my mind
I should know by now blaming myself is not the solution.
But my mind is filled by you, pollution.

Maybe if I turn on the radio, the noise will drown you out
No, not a chance for every lyric of every song is a reminder
Yeah, I remember singing those songs with you.

Can’t think straight, head is pounding
I keep trying to get you off my mind
I should know by now blaming myself is not the solution.
But my mind is filled by you, pollution.

I would have gotten you home safe that night
Taking those keys could have saved your life
But you couldn’t let go of your stupid pride,
So I sat there and watched you die, beer at your side

It must have totally consumed you that night

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