Maybe Then | Teen Ink

Maybe Then

May 14, 2011
By alissamusto BRONZE, Rehoboth, Massachusetts
alissamusto BRONZE, Rehoboth, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.<br /> -Kurt Vonnegut

Trying hard to just get along, but got lost somewhere in the process
Don’t know where I went wrong or how I’m in this mess
I was bruised, I was bleeding
I was down but kept believing
Maybe it could come around again

I was lost in a time when everyone was starting to find their place
Friends seemed like foreigners, and I was in some foreign place
The face I failed to know at all
was hanging up there on the wall
a vague reflection staring back at me

I’m out of my mind for chasing dreams and fantasies
I’m falling behind, why do I feel so cowardly
Someday though, I don’t know when
I’ll find my way out of this dead end
Maybe then, maybe then

I don’t mean to make excuses
As to why I’m feeling so useless
It’s what I’ve been doing all along
But the things that keep me haunted
I wouldn’t tell you even if I wanted
If you ask what’s new I’ll tell you nothing’s wrong

When the truth is…
I’m out of my mind for chasing dreams and fantasies
I’m falling behind, why do I feel so cowardly
Someday though, I don’t know when
I’ll find my way out of this dead end
Maybe then, maybe then
Now I know she hurt you hard
But please don’t take it out on me
Someday I’ll shine like a star
And then you’ll see, then you’ll see
And Maybe Then you’d understand,
Maybe then, would you still think I am

I’m out of my mind for chasing dreams and fantasies
I’m falling behind, why do I feel so cowardly
Someday though, I don’t know when
I’ll find my way out of this dead end
Maybe then, maybe then

Is ok, I wouldn’t need you then.

The author's comments:
I'm a teen singer, musician and song-writer from New England. This is a song I wrote which is available on my new EP. It's about trying to fit in, moving on after going through a difficult time and having hope that someday things will be better.

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