No One | Teen Ink

No One

June 5, 2011
By Cody_Crljen BRONZE, Signal Hill, California
Cody_Crljen BRONZE, Signal Hill, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A spoonful of Jimmy makes the whole world go down.<br /> R.I.P. The Rev. :(

I am No One!... I am No One!
I refuse to be apart of anyone.
I will reject you, and deny everyone.
But they'll just respond with words of hate!
Saying,take his hope away, take his life away, leave him nothing left inside.

When you've served your time, when you've escaped there kind, when you've learned your lesson, to refuse their lies. When they destroy your life every single time, you let them in, is that enooouugh?

Now I've chosen, to leave everything, but I won't be, the last one to leave, I'll lead others today, we'll restore hope today,we'll leave them all behind.

When you've served your time, when you've escaped there kind, when you've learned your lesson, to refuse there lies. When they destroy you your life, every single time, you let them, is that enooouuugh?

Haven't we gone through enough, haven't we gone through enough, and damn it's more than i can bare
Haven't we gone through enough, haven't we gone through enough, and damn it's more than i can baaare!

Do they even have a reason why, they've gone through and destroyed all our lives, can you even comprehend the pain, tell me when you've

Served your time, when you've escaped their kind, when you've learned your lesson, to refuse their lies, when they destroy your life, every single time, you let them, is that enooooouuugh?

The author's comments:
I wrote this song while dealing with constant suffering, it was written to portray an outcast that leaves the tormentors to create a sanctuary for those in need.

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